Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v

Bianco 420MS

The Bianco 420 MS Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaws are renown for their quality cutting and precision. This particular 420 MS packs all of the same features as the standard 420 MS, but comes with a 240V connection, meaning you don’t require 3-Phase Power to work.

Bianco have been manufacturing bandsaws in Italy for over thirty years and have built a reputation for producing precise, reliable, and accurate machines. All machines have modern cast bows from special alloys to ensure one of the highest precision bandsaw ranges available.

Bianco 420MS
Bianco 420MSBianco 420MS
Video thumbnail showing the Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v
Video thumbnail showing the Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v
Video thumbnail showing the Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 5
Bianco 280MS
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 5
Close up detail of the Siemens Direct Drive Motor
Siemens Direct Drive Motor
Close up detail of the Siemens Direct Drive Motor
Close up detail of the
Mitring Scale
Close up detail of the
Detail of the Hydraulic Downfeed Controls on a Auto Down Feed Single Mitre BandsawDetail of the Hydraulic Downfeed Controls on a Auto Down Feed Single Mitre Bandsaw
Close up detail of the Pull Down Auto Down Feed Bandsaw Control PanelClose up detail of the Pull Down Auto Down Feed Bandsaw Control Panel
Close up detail of the blade tension with limit switch
Blade tension with limit switch
Close up detail of the blade tension with limit switch
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 11
Variable Speed Motor
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 11
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 12
Pneumatic Vice (Optional)
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 12
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 13
Dry Cooling (Optional)
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 13
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 14
Frequency Inverter (Optional)
Bianco MS 420 Pull/Auto Down Single Mitre Bandsaw 240v image 14
STOCKCODE 15083-v240
Capacity 90° 45° 60°
◯ Tube mm 300 240 170
▢ Box Section mm 260 230 170
▭ Widest Cut mm 420 x 180 250 x 180 170 x 170
Bed Height mm 830
Blade Size mm 3270 x 27 x 0.9
Cutting Speed m/min Inverter – Variable
Motor Kw 0.7 – 1.4
Length mm 1600
Width mm 1000
Height mm 1900
Weight Kg 480
Operation Pull Down/Auto Down Feed
Vice Manual


  • Special feature where you can choose between Instant pull down or switch to Automatic gravity down feed with variable control
  • Quick mitring swivel head up to 60°
  • Fast cutting
  • Cast bow construction
  • Carbide blade guides for high accuracy
  • Variable cutting speed
  • Heavy Duty
  • Coolant System
  • Blade tension indicator
  • Safety interlock switch fitted to bandwheel cover
  • Material length stop


  • Spray mist cooling system
  • Pneumatic Vice
  • Roller track and measuring systems

Bianco have been manufacturing bandsaws in Italy for over thirty years and have built a reputation for producing precise, reliable, and accurate machines. All machines have modern cast bows from special alloys to ensure one of the highest precision bandsaw ranges available.

This MS model has quick mitring head capability allowing fixed roller track systems to be installed with the ability to cut at any angle up to 60 degrees. Thanks to the inverter, this single-phase machine offers variable cutting speeds for both mild steel and stainless steel.

A built-in flood coolant system helps to not only prolong blade life, but assists with a cleaner cut, preventing overheating and warping of blades. The hydraulic gravity down feed allows you complete control of the speed of the cut, ensuring the drop of the blade suits to the material that you are cutting, with the automatic stop, the blade will stop spinning once the cut is complete, allowing for safer worker interaction.

Ideal for cutting round, plate and profiles, bandsaws like this are the mainstay of virtually any fabrication shop in the UK. We offer a wide range of Sterling and Bianco Bandsaws, to fit with your cutting requirements, look at the rest of the range here.

We can also supply blades and coolant too, these can be purchased directly off our tooling website. All of our Saws are supplied with a starter set of our Goldcut Blades, we will discuss with you the material you will be cutting to ensure they will meet your requirements and a free container of coolant, so your new saw is ready to begin cutting straight away as soon as it’s delivered to you!

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